Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In Which a Theory is Still Mostly Unproven

OK, so the stomach bug theory (unless it was a very, very, VERY short-lived one....highly doubtful) did not pan out. E was fine all day yesterday - ate well, no further eruptions, and slept well last night. The other two girls were fine - no stomach upsets, no signs of illness. Thus, I don't think it was a stomach ailment that caused the vomiting yesterday.

The car seat/new perspective theory seems to be the winner. And after trying to clean the stupid car seat out and also not being happy with it's completely upright orientation in the car, I decided to switch her to a different seat. We have a seat that used to be A's when she was still using a 5-point harness. It seems to fit in our car much better in the forward-facing position than the other one - and as a bonus it is easier to remove the cover and to clean! I also like the fact that this older car seat can be installed at a bit of a recline. E is used to being reclined rear-facing, so maybe by keeping a slight recline in the forward-facing position she'll fare better. We can hope! Today's trip to school was much shorter - I didn't forget to bring A's lunch because she is not actually staying for lunch today! So, on the short rides to and from school she did fine. Thankfully. I did not want to be dealing with another pukey load of laundry and another car seat to clean and sanitize. That might have sent me over the edge. OK, well, not really, but it might have made me cry a little and you would have had to listen to another whole venty post. Not fun.

So, today is much calmer. Still very cold out there. I did not walk again this morning. But, last night I did another 45-minute workout video. That one kicks my butt - literally. There is this one sequence where she has you on your elbows and knees and you do these leg exercises and she goes from one move, to another, to a third - all in quick succession - and MAN, does it burn my butt. Ouch. I generally don't get through the whole sequence without at least three breaks because it just hurts too much. And then the sadistic wench lady on the video says something like "If it's burning, that's good! It means it's working! So, push it a little!" in this way-too-cheery kind of voice. Makes me want to smack her. But, instead, I just push it as much as I can and grumble to myself since smacking the TV will do no good. And who am I kidding, I'm the one torturing myself anyway... But, the good news is that as of this morning I'm down 4.5 pounds since mid-January. And recently my clothes have started to feel a little looser. So, the torture is not all in vain. Still a ways to go but it's nice to have made some progress of late!

Time to get going. E just walked by and I smell something suspicious...

1 comment:

Karyn said...

I'm glad the car-puke situation was easily rectified! I had carsickness until I was about twelve and it is NOT FUN for anyone. Further, I am delighted that you are down nearly five pounds! But for crissakes, don't sent the weight to me, which you apparently DID, because my ass looks extra inflated and I can't think why since I have used remarkable restraint.

Damn damn damn.