Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Fourth Deadly Sin

I'm feeling very slothful today.

I don't know why....maybe I can still blame it on yesterday's sugar high.

OK, maybe not.

I didn't get dressed until almost 11am. And I decided not to take another shower this morning. I took one last night after exercising so I didn't really need one, but my hair is just hanging limp and lifeless because I did not feel it necessary to style it after my shower last night. I don't plan on going anywhere today so I'm not too worrried about the lack of style to my hair.

E is taking her nap right now and I feel like crawling back to bed myself.

The older girls are being left to their own devices and seem to be playing together fairly well. For that I am thankful because, like I said, I'm not feeling very energetic today. I'm not feeling very creative or inspired to do much so it's good that they are finding something to amuse themselves.

Rick has already been out running errands this morning and now he's back and working on a project in his workshop - something to do with making brackets for a mounting system for his Jeep. He often needs to buy extra long things - conduit and the like - that doesn't fit in the Jeep and needs to be attached to the roof to get it home. So, he is constructing something that will make that an easy task, I guess. Don't ask me. I'm clueless. And he gave up his project blog long ago so you won't be finding any answers there either.

I have things I should or could be doing - entering receipts into Quicken, baking cookies for tomorrow's bake sale at church, knitting, reading the book for book club meeting on Monday (except that I never picked up a copy of it - oops), etc.... I'm just not feeling any drive to do any of it. Where the heck is my motivation?

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