Thursday, August 10, 2006

Issues with the MSN Blog

It's not like I have a huge following but those few faithful seem to have the occasional issue with my MSN spaces blog. And I know some were having to wait a long time for the page to load with dial-up. Therefore I am back here and going to give it a whirl. We'll see how it goes. I had Rick help me figure out what I was doing wrong with the links on the right side of the page and now I can actually update that list as I see fit. I added a link to Karyn's page and also to my "Former Blog" on MSN so if anyone wanted to go back to read any of that stuff (ha!) they can.

I guess I need to get the word out about this page, eh?


Kristen said...

I'm glad you're over here. I've wanted to leave comments on MSN but because I have a hotmail account associated with my last name, it would never leave a comment under my blogger sign in or with just my first name. Anyway, welcome to Blogger!

This is the same template I used when I was starting out on Blogger, too. :-)

Karyn said...

I just tried commenting on MSN again, to similar results as before... so - YAY! I am way happy you are here.

I'm sorry you and your friends are going through such a crap time. It's so hard. I feel for you all.


TuxBaby said...

Oh- and I leave for 4-5 days and look at all the stuff you've posted and the changes you've made! Shows me to never leave again, huh?!??
