Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Year of the Pig

So, apparently, the Year of the Pig will soon be upon us.

Not an auspicious sounding year to be working hard on a diet and exercise regime.

I'm still on my quest to attain a more healthy body weight and a more fit cardiovascular system. My attempts were derailed last fall by my broken toe and a hip issue that seem to crop up for me now and again (sciatica SUCKS). And then I spent the last month or so in the Year of the Dog getting ready for the upcoming year - pigging out on holiday feasts and treats! Not good. Well, actually it tasted very good but it was certainly not the way to attain my goal any time soon.

So, like a broken record that repeats itself every year (am I dating myself with that phrase?) I will once again state my New Year's Resolution to work hard on my fitness goals and hope that this is not MY "year of pigging out"!

Perhaps I have a few lessons to learn from those whose Zodiac sign is the pig (I was born in the year of the dog, myself). After all, there are some very fit people who were born under that sign - a fitness guru turned actor turned Governor, a svelte-yet-fit-and-healthy-looking actress, an NBA Hall of Famer, and even a famous Australian Cricketer (thank you, wikipedia)! Here are some excerpts from wikipedia about those born under this sign (my comments in red):

The Pig type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. (I could certainly use a bit of honesty (to myself) and patience as I continue my fitness journey)

The people of the pig type are conservative creatures of habit. (Time to start creating some new, healthy habits!) They dislike being made to travel too far from familiar surroundings, unless it is a trip to the countryside. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city. (Note to self - get outside and getting moving more!)

They are not weak. (need to work on that one - both physically and in the area of will-power!)

This week I'm off to a pretty good start. I walked twice in the mornings and have managed to do some exercises with hand weights. I have also tried to cut back on the constant snacking and tried to reduce portion sizes. I've got the momentum going - I just need to keep on truckin' and keep my head out of the trough.


Anonymous said...

I thought you looked TERRIFIC when I saw you!! Such a hot mama!!

TuxBaby said...

It's the year to Ham it Up!
(sorry I really couldn't resist)


Jeanne Tuthill said...

S - Thanks! I guess we all have visions of what we want our bodies to look like and I'm just not happy with mine at the moment!!!

Tux - You goofball!

Karyn said...

Dude. I'm A Bonafide Pig. So - does that mean this is my year?

Rock on! About TIME!

Where are the freaking Doritos? ;)