Friday, June 01, 2007

Stressed for Success...

At least I am hoping for a modicum of success this coming weekend.

My mom turned 70 this past month and since she was away in Bermuda for her actual birthday we are having her celebration this coming weekend. I live three hours from most of the rest of the family so we are having the celebration down where they all live. I ended up with the role of "Party Planner From Afar" and have managed to pull things together as best I can. There will be approximately 28 people in attendance from toddler to adult so I made reservations for brunch at a restaurant not too far from my parents' house. I have sent countless emails to my sibs and made follow-up phone calls to be sure that we are all on the same page and that everyone has all the information and knows where they need to be and when. After the brunch we are hoping to get the family all in one place (preferably a picturesque beach locale) for a family picture - except for the one nephew who has already left for his summer job/internship HERE! is rough, eh? We are still working on the "where" issue for the pictures and we are also keeping an eye on the weather which may cancel any such plans for our Family Photo Fun Fest (because at these kinds of family events you have to find a way to put the "fun" back into "dysfunctional", right?) . I have a couple of locations I need to scout once we get down there but I am hoping for a spot that is actually right up the road from the restaurant. If the weather is borderline crappy I think we'll be in luck because there should be plenty of parking. It is the downpours and thunder and lightning possibilities that have me a bit worried.

After the brunch and photo nightmare event we will be heading to my sister's house for cake and ice cream (and drinks aplenty - after all, we are talking about MY family here). A couple of mimosa's a brunch followed by glass or so of wine with my cake and ice cream and I suppose I will be able to survive the day with my sanity intact... Of course, after the long day we still have a three-hour drive home to look forward to (whee).

In other news, the girls are finishing up their school years. How is it that another year has flown by? R is finishing up 1st grade and we just recently found out that the combined classroom (1st and 2nd grade) that she was in this year will not be continued into next year. So, she'll be in a full 2nd grade classroom which we feel will be more suited to her needs. Now, we just need to find a way to ensure that she gets the teacher placement that we feel would be more appropriate. I plan to send an email off to her teacher later today regarding that very issue!

A is currently in "stay and play camp" which is a fancy way to say that we can pay extra to extend the preschool year so that it more closely matches the regular public school calendar. She is there three days a week and next week is her last week before summer vacation. Next year she is returning to the same preschool and she absolutely loves it there. The teachers are wonderful and she's made some nice friends. In fact, at their little "graduation/end of year" celebration she received a certificate for being "A Good Friend to All" (each child received a special certificate that honored something that made them special). She is such a little social butterfly who is truly kind and thoughtful of those around her. And she is so darn cute to boot!
But, hey, I'm her mom so I guess I'm a little bit biased.

E is starting to talk up quite a storm. Rick and I are now very afraid that we won't be able to get a word in edgewise at the dinner table in the near future. She is in that very cute parrot stage where she repeats - as best she can - what she hears...or at least the last or most vital parts of a sentence.

Mom:"Do you want some milk, E?"
E: "Mook!"

Mom: "Would you like some paper to draw on?"
E: "Pay-poo!"

Mom: "Peee-U! You are stinky! Let's change that diaper."
E: "Tin-kee! Die-poo!"

And of course, she is at the age where her favorite word is "NO!"

Mom: "Uh-oh. Do you have a poop?"
E: "NO!"

Mom: "Oh yes! Time to change that diaper!"
E: "NO!"

Mom: "Let's go!"
E: "NOOOOOO!" (giggling and running in the other direction)

Or better yet...I will catch her "in the act" - red-faced and grunting.

Mom: "Are you pooping?"
E: Straining...grunting. Tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Poooooop." Then, looking away, "No! No poop!"

I'll leave you with a few more pics of the girls. I took these while they were eating popsicles on our back steps the other day. This was the first time I gave E free-reign over the popsicle and I was quite impressed that she did not end up with half of it on the ground covered in dirt and swarming with ants. WTG, big girl!


TuxBaby said...

So ate that 4th half? I guess I will always wonder what people do with the odd-popsicle-out when the kids are not in even numbers.... ;-)

They're adorable! And have fun with the family!


TuxBaby said...

"So ate"?!?? I meant "So WHO ate.."

Geez, it's 9:30am but maybe it's STILL too early! lol


Jeanne Tuthill said...

LOL! I got it the first time...

Actually, they were single pops not the double ones. So, it was all good. No poor half popsicles left to melt on the patio or get eaten by yours truly.

Karyn said...

Too damn cute, those girls.

Glad you survived the weekend.

Hugs to all.