Saturday, September 23, 2006

My girls will love this...

I'm part HORSE! They love their stuffed horses and seeing the horses at the farms we visit. A used to say that she wanted to grow up to be a horse (other days it was a cow or once she just made a blanket statement that she would become "farm animals.") More recently she says she wants to be a horse rider - phew, for a while there she just wasn't buying the explanation that children don't generally grow up to be farm animals. But, hey, mom's half horse! That's gotta count for something, right?

You Are a Centaur

In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily.


TuxBaby said...

I'm a centaur also! Makes it hard to find good-fitting Levi's, too. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I am a mermaid~go figure..guess I won't be needing these underwires anymore!
