Wednesday, September 13, 2006

9:45AM and All's Well...

The house is quiet aside from some little babble noises from a particularly cute 10 1/2 month old. R got off to school without too much drama (no small feat most days) and my dear, sweet MIL came shortly thereafter to pick up A and drive her to preschool.

I am still in jammies and need to take my shower soon. My broken toe is buddy taped and causing me continued grief but at least I'm able to get around.

I went to the PGO meeting at school last night....

Oops - now the cute babbling has turned to insistant fussing and so I must go and try to get little miss down for her morning nap. More in a bit...

I'm back (as if you noticed I was even gone).

I put E down for her nap and am now showered and dressed. The excitement never ends around here!

As I was saying....I went to the PGO meeting last night (see? I lead such an exciting life) and it was great to see/meet the parents of a few kids in R's classroom there. I think we are going to have a a lot of interested and involved parents this year in her class which is great. I hope we can start doing some community building among the parents very soon. In that vein, I sent an email to R's teacher to let her know that I'm here and ready to help. Cirriculum Night is coming up on the 27th and I'm looking forward to connecting with other parents and learning more about the plans for this year from her teacher.

This morning, unprompted, R told me that she had done some fun math with peas and carrots this week. It involved some math with numbers apparently, and she was very proud to tell me that she thinks she "got them all right" and that they were "hard enough" that she needed to use her fingers to do the math. It was nice to hear her enthusiastic again after her previous negative comments. She also giggled when she told me that the teacher actually did something wrong when showing the class something with the peas and carrots. It's good for her to see that even the teacher can make mistakes because she tends to be the kind of kid who won't try something for fear of doing it wrong. She was like that with reading - she would not even attempt to read a word until she knew what she was doing and now she is reading things with incredible fluency and accuracy. It boggles the mind!

A keeps coming home from preschool with great stories about her day and with many awesome easel creations. R was never one to do anything she considered "messy art" until well into her kindergarten year and even then it was a rare occasion - so A is apparently making up for the lack of paintings in our house! She is also enjoying the drawing table almost as much as R did in preschool and she is making some great friends. We hear new names of kids evey day so she is certainly making the rounds! Today is yellow day at preschol and A went to school dressed to the nines in a summery yellow dress (even though it's quite fall-like out there!), a white sweater (at my insistence even though she is likely to ditch it once she gets there), white tights and even a white headband festooned with ribbons and pearls. She is certainly a girly-girl who loves to dress up.

I'm off to get some more coffee and use this free time wisely. I need to clear out some of the summer clothes from the girls' room and figure out what else they need for fall/winter wear. I know I need to get more stuff for them but now with this bum toe I am not sure how easy it is going to be to accomplish that mission any time soon. It is rather annoying that just as I gain some 'free time' (defined as having only one small child underfoot or in tow) I am reduced in my capacity to actively take advantage of the relative freedom. I guess I can use this enforced down time to chip away at the stack of books that are calling my name - I just finished the book club book ("March") - great book, although a bit on the grotesque side given the descriptions of tending to the wounded Civil War soldiers - and still have a library book to finish ("Oh My Stars") before next Tuesday's due date. There are others on the shelf to read but their titles escape me at the moment. And since it is my left foot that is injured I think I might actually be able to get some sewing accomplished - I have the fabric all cut out for A's skirt and it is sitting on my sewing table awaiting my attention.

Hobbling off to make a dent in my to-do list! Happy Wednesday!

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