Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Those are the letters I will be writing after my name again.

Masters of Arts, Certificate of Clinical Competence-Speech-Language Pathology

Just in case you were wondering.

Tomorrow I start back to work. I am approaching it with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

If my brain survives the re-entry process I'll try to post something coherent here about how things went.

In the meantime, keep me in your prayers, cross your fingers and toes, or just send me some extra brains cells. Whatever floats your boat. I'm gonna need all of it.

1 comment:

TuxBaby said...

Yay that your first day back at work went so well! And I have to laugh- that your initials for work... just looks like you're stuttering. And it's ST. LOL

Okay, so I'm weird that way. ;-)
