Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 12 of 12

Be sure to check out Chad Darnell for the low down on the "12 of 12" -- it's a cool concept and fun to do (if you can remember when it actually is the 12th of the month)! I seem to forget most months until I see other bloggers pictures. Bad Jeanne. But, this month...I remembered! You can give me a virtual head pat for that. Thanks.

I did remember to do my 12 of 12 but it wasn't until after lunch! In the morning I dropped A off at preschool and then E and I headed to church for a meeting of the "Crafty Ladies" (a group of women who meet throughout the year to create items for the November church fair). I was tasked with bringing snacks for all the ladies this week.

12:30PM - The remainder of my sour cream coffee cake and some chocolate Easter eggs.

12:33PM - A view of our street as we are leaving to pick up A from preschool. Notice that my front yard (foreground) still has a frozen tundra and the neighbors across the street still have grass...this is the usual state of affairs in late winter and it's so unfair! Our house faces north and our backyard has similar snow cover due to very tall trees. I want SPRING!)

1:08PM - Home from preschool pick-up and my budding artist created this lovely piece of work that we got to take home!

2:13 PM - FINALLY got a call back about the job (see the last few blog entries for details on this communication nightmare). I took note of the dates I am needed so I can start working on childcare arrangements. They want me - they really do!

2:48PM - Wednesday is early release day in our school district so R came home about 1:45. The girls asked to play some games on the computer. In our house, screen time is a special treat so when one plays a game the others want to sit and spectate.

2:50PM - Time to get some laundry done seeing as our basket is overflowing. We have a laundry chute in the bathroom so I dragged the basket out of my bedroom and was preparing to dump in all down into the basement via the laundry chute.

3:26PM - While I was downstairs dealing with laundry I got a picture of the forts the girls had created in the basement playroom.

3:32PM - I figured that the girls were well occupied with their computer games so I decided to try to get in a workout with "Tony". It worked reasonably well until they came down to check out what I was doing and started to antagonize each other. reminded me why I can't do an effective workout while they are in the same room.

4:00PM - I've done this workout more than a few times and today was the first time I noticed the typo. It made me giggle and I had to get a screen shot of it. What is kness and how I do I manage to get it over my ankle?

4:13PM - Post workout 'glow'. Actually, my Irish complexion means I just look like I have a bad sunburn.

7:01PM - Story time with Dad before bed. They are reading the Deltora Quest series of books together.

10:26PM - My current read. Not exactly light bedtime reading and I actually didn't read any before bed today. But it was on the dresser in my bedroom so I took it as my last picture before bed. I am trying to finish it in preparation for returning to work (and to collect 11 hours of continuing education/professional development credit).

So, that's my March 12 of 12. I'm dedicating this one to Lauri since she harassed me (in a nice way, of course) about missing the last few months of 12 of 12. I told her on our walk this morning that my 12 of 12 would be going up on my blog at some point today and she seemed pleased. (Hi, Lauri! Hope E is being a good girl over there for you today!)


Lisa said...

Loved the 12 of 12...someday I shall attempt it.

snowelf said...

Love the basement forts!! Woobie is CONSTANTLY building some sort of fort with anything he can throw a blanket over. I was the same way when I was little.

I'll have to get caught up on your job news, but for now, Congrats!!!!!
SO happy for you!! :)
