Thursday, March 13, 2008

Best Laid Plans and The Unexpected Doctor Visit...

***Update at end of entry***

I finally got a phone call from the folks at the AAC center and was told that a contract was being drawn up for me and got some specific dates that they were hoping I could work. They had expected to do an eval today and I was thinking I might be going in today so I had set up childcare for both E (all day) and A (after school). When I got the phone call yesterday they told me that the eval for today was canceled. I figured I'd keep the childcare arrangements and have a "mental health day" for myself. But, you know the old adage about 'best laid plans', right?

This morning I went on my walk at 6am with my neighbor. When I got home at 7am I found out that A was having some leg pain and refusing to walk! She had complained earlier in the week of some pain but I dismissed it because it didn't seem to be impacting her activity level and because she only mentioned it when I suggested we take a nature walk (she can be hard to motivate for such things even though she has fun once we get out and do it). She had originally complained on Monday and on Tuesday morning she thought she might not want to go to gymnastics because of her leg. Again, it sounded like an excuse for no real reason and she actually went to gymnastics and did just fine.

She has been acting out of late and I have been wondering in the back of my mind if she is bothered by the thought of me returning to work - it's been a regular topic of conversation around here of late (as if you couldn't have figured that out given my recent blog fodder). Today Rick was going to drop her off at preK on his way to work and I wondered if she was reacting to that change in schedule. She was so adamant about the pain that I could not doing anything but keep her home. I was a bit annoyed thinking that maybe she was overreacting or faking it...

After we'd been home together for a few hours and she was literally refusing to move off the couch I knew she wasn't faking it. I called the pedi and they suggested bringing her in. Two hours later we left the office having had x-rays of her hip and leg done and blood work taken! I thought he'd say it was a muscle strain or something similarly innocuous. No such luck.

The suggestions of possibilities ranged from relatively innocuous (viral infection that moved into the hip called 'toxic or transient synovitis') to rather serious ('aseptic necrosis'...which was rather unsettling considering the fact that my own father had that when he was a boy and was in a hospital in traction for most of two years to fix it!!!). As well a few other possibilities of varying degree. The doctor was taking things seriously and ordered a battery of tests that would allow for a differential diagnosis one way or the other.

The doctor called a short while ago to let us know that the x-ray results were normal (phew!) which ruled out the more serious bone related possibilities ('aseptic necrosis' and some other equally evil sounding disease involving the hip joint). We are still looking at a viral or bacterial cause and the blood work should give us a better idea of what is going on. We'll know more later tonight and again in about 48 hours when the cultures come back. I'm leaning towards viral at this point since Andrea seems to be doing a bit better tonight after resting all day. The treatment for a viral infection is just to rest and give ibuprofen as needed. If I'm right she should be back to normal in under a week.

So, that was my day-off-turned-stressful-and-worrisome-day today! One thing I firmly believe is that everything happens for a reason (not always know to us right away...if ever). And today I was expecting to be at the eval that got canceled. Seems as if there was some divine intervention that meant I was home and was able to get Andrea to the doctor and get her the necessary tests. And because I kept the daycare slot for Eliza, it meant she didn't have to hang with us for two hours DURING lunchtime/nap time at the doctor's office! That would have just added stress and complications to the day.

I'm in the process of finishing off my second glass of wine for the evening and saying a prayer of thanks that A is doing much better and that the more serious causes have been ruled out. Sometimes I find that I take for granted the immense blessings of a healthy family.

**Update 3/14***
The doctor just called again to report that the blood work results have come back normal! So, the diagnosis (given lack of evidence pointing to anything else) is a viral infection of some sort which should clear up on its own. We are to check back in if things don't improve but so far A is doing much better today so I am confident that she will continue to improve.


TuxBaby said...

I'm glad things didn't turn out more serious for A!!! It is coincidental karma and a blessing that things worked out for you to be "free" to handle it all.


snowelf said...

Awww...poor little thing. And I agree, divine intervention always comes right when you need it.
Hugs to little A and hope she feels better soon!


Sara said...

Thank goodness it wasn't as serious as they were preparing you for!!
Glad she is on the mend!!