Friday, July 11, 2008

Off I Go!

To my millions of readers who hang on my every word ~
To my four loyal readers who can actually stay awake reading my blog (or maybe just use it as a sleep aid) ~

I will be liberated from my children away for the entire weekend. I am heading into Boston to help my coworker Patty teach a class on AT (assistive technology). She is just about 3 weeks post-op (mastectomy) and needed help with some of the physical demands of the class. So, I'm tagging along to not only help her out but to also get an earful of all there is to know about AT. I'm still in the steep learning curve phase of my re-entry into the working world and so this partnership is the perfect solution. I get the education and she gets a much needed extra pair of hands for the weekend.

I have left Youngest girl with Rick for an overnight or two in the recent past and I've even gotten away all by my big self for a whole day now and again...but to leave all three girls with Rick and be all by myself from Friday morning until Sunday night? That'll be a first. I have never been away from any of my kids for that length of time. So, send along some "be good" vibes to the girls and some sanity vibes for Rick. I'm sure he would appreciate that. Rick has a few plans for the weekend so hopefully I will return on Sunday night and find everyone happy and too busy to have missed me.

Tomorrow is 12 of 12 (see Chad Darnell's blog for more information) and so I'm going to try to take some interesting pictures in Boston - not sure how interesting they will be since I'll be in a lecture hall for most of the day but I'll try to be creative. I won't be able to post them until I get back so you'll just have to be waiting with bated breath for my return. Sorry about that. But, I have a feeling you'll find something to do with your time until I get a chance to post again.

The weather here has been nothing short of spectacular. Yesterday we had a high of about 85 with blue skies and a light but effective breeze. I took Youngest girl on a bike ride on the rail trail and we had a great time. The older girls continue to love, love, love camp. Eldest girl is finally settling in and feeling more secure. At least that is what I chose to believe since she was an emotional wreck each evening after camp right up until last night when she seemed much more mellow and able to deal with life. I swear she keeps all her emotions bottled up tight inside all day long and then lets loose when she walks in the door. I see it at the start of every school year and it seems to be the case with camp as well. She just has such a hard time making the adjustments to new situations and getting to know new people. It's exhausting for her.

Middle girl, by comparison, seems to thrive on those kinds of situations and she comes home bubbly and happy and full of stories from the day.

Sometimes it is hard to believe they are related!

OK, I'm off to finish packing and to get showered and dressed. Try not to miss me too much. I'll be back before you bother to check my blog again know it!


Sara said...

Have fun in Beantown~!
I am sure Rick and the girls will do temper tantrums, no potty mishaps, no nothings..At least we can hope!

Lisa said...

Hope you had a great time and learning experience!
How'd the girls do?