Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pride Cometh Before a Fall

I've been so excited by Youngest girl's achievements on the potty that perhaps I'm going overboard on the praise...just a bit. It's been more than a week and perhaps she is not needing all the joyous shouts, high-fives, and proclamations of "what a big girl!" we've been doling out. But, I find I can't help it because I really am that excited. (Pathetic? Yes. But we are a diaper free house! How cool is that?)

This praise overkill was highlighted by a recent interaction I had with Youngest girl a few nights ago. I was sitting on the couch and she was standing nearby looking adorable and just so huggable. So, I held my arms out wide and said to her "can I have a big hug?!"

My only real motivation was to give her a hug and get one in return. Because, ya know, that's one of the joys of having a two-year-old in the house. All that free love.

But, it seems as though she was anticipating yet another round of praise for how well she's been doing on the potty. Being the card that she is, she came over and gave me a huge hug and said in a very motherly sort of way "I'm soooo proud of you!"

And then she started to giggle.

She was mocking me. Seriously!

My two-year-old has learned the fine art of mockery.

What next? Sarcasm? Irony? Light-hearted banter?

I couldn't help but laugh and then asked her why she was so proud of me.

"Cuz you do your job...!"

There was a brief pause during which I had high hopes that I was being praised for my efforts as a mother. But I didn't have long for it to go to my head or anything before she finished her thought: "...since you are a big dirl wike me!"

Oh. That job.

Yes, folks. I can use the potty! Aren't you soooo proud of me, too?


Lisa said...

ROFL that gave me a good laugh!

Sara said...

That is a riot!! I love what these kids say!!!