Thursday, March 29, 2007

Camera Happy

Well, after posting that new picture the other day I had decided to go out and get a new 'do for the spring.

Just because I can...I give you "the new Jeanne"...I'll let you decide whether it's 'new' or 'new and improved', but please be kind! :-)

By the way, in case you were on the edge of your seats waiting for the news...I lost four more bucks to the local lottery system. Feh. In much more exciting news I've lost a couple more pounds and am at a total of 18 pounds lost AND we've lost most of the snow in our backyard to the warming spring temperatures! Now, those are things I don't mind losing!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Very cute! I was actually liking it long though, for the record... but this is very sporty - in keeping with your svelte crazy-walker status. ;-)