After lunch A was itching to put on her snow boots and get out in the small amount of snow that had accumulated. Annoying side note: how can it be that I had to actually go out and buy A and E some new snow boots this year? I feel like I have a basement FULL of hand-me-downs...and yet...I went downstairs this morning to look in the storage closet. I easily found the box marked "boots" and do you think there was a pair that would fit either of them? Of course not! A is a size 12 right now and I had an 11 and a 1 but nothing in a 12 or even a 13 which might've worked with an extra pair of scoks. And I have a size 6 but E is in a 5 right now and those new walkers have a hard enough time walking in boots as it is! So, I had to run out to Target this morning and I did find boots for both girls at a reasonable price. I bought A's in size 13 so that she has some growing room to get her through the winter and I think it was the smart thing to do since they don't seem all that big. Man, these kids grow fast.
So, anyway, I got A and E bundled up in snow gear and we headed out back to muck around in what snow was out there. E was quite intrigued by the very cold white stuff and I got a few fun pics of them out there enjoying the season's first snow - as you can see there really isn't much there, but they still had plenty of fun!

E managed to walk in her new snow boots on the uneven terrain pretty darn well...

I love her expression in this one...

The snow as actually VERY nice packing snow. The likes of which we rarely saw at all last winter...

So, I figured I just HAD to make my first snowman of the season. I think I'll call him Spike.

About half an hour after we came in I noticed that he was looking a bit droopy already. At least he survived long enough for R to get a look at him before he took a leap off the grill to his untimely demise...

In other, completely unrelated news...I finished my very first pair of socks! They fit fairly well but I still need to do some pattern tweaking to make them a perfect fit for me. I got a good start on a matching pair for E and should have a pic of those teeny little lookalikes in the near future but for now here's a shot of my toasty toes up on the coffee table while I admire our tree!

I finished E's socks last night! Are they not the CUTEST THING in the world?

Well, maybe not THE cutest, but you have to admit that their cuteness quotient is pretty high. And do they not make my socks look like they belong to Bigfoot Incarnate?

R has been hinting (rather blatently) about wanting a pair for herself after seeing how my first pair came out. It was actually rather cute - she picked one up and checked it out and said "Wow, Mom! It looks just like a sock you could buy at the store!" I think she is going to have a blast learning how to knit. I bought a great "Learn to Knit" kit at TJ Maxx to go under the tree!! Let's just hope I am patient enough to be successful at teaching her the basics. I think she's ready and she's definitely willing so it should be a fun mom/daughter project for us this winter. Her first project will be a simple scarf, though. And I'm hoping to find the time in the evenings after she is in bed to make her (and maybe A) a pair of socks for Christmas. E's pair knitted up very quickly and their socks will take a bit longer, but not nearly as long as for my gargantuan feet!

Well, maybe not THE cutest, but you have to admit that their cuteness quotient is pretty high. And do they not make my socks look like they belong to Bigfoot Incarnate?

R has been hinting (rather blatently) about wanting a pair for herself after seeing how my first pair came out. It was actually rather cute - she picked one up and checked it out and said "Wow, Mom! It looks just like a sock you could buy at the store!" I think she is going to have a blast learning how to knit. I bought a great "Learn to Knit" kit at TJ Maxx to go under the tree!! Let's just hope I am patient enough to be successful at teaching her the basics. I think she's ready and she's definitely willing so it should be a fun mom/daughter project for us this winter. Her first project will be a simple scarf, though. And I'm hoping to find the time in the evenings after she is in bed to make her (and maybe A) a pair of socks for Christmas. E's pair knitted up very quickly and their socks will take a bit longer, but not nearly as long as for my gargantuan feet!
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