Monday, April 14, 2008

In the Pink!

Feeling like a little change here at Elastic Waistland. I wanted something brighter and "spring"-ier now that we have finally left winter behind! I lost all my links and formatting when I changed my background so I need to update that. Of course, did I write down the blogs I had listed? Nope. So, I will need to try to recreate that list from scratch. Oh well - it was probably time to clean house around here anyway! And there have been some links that I've been meaning to add so this will be a good opportunity to do that.

But, the updates will have to wait a while. R just got off the bus and now it is snack time!

This the first Monday in many months that we are not rushing out the door for swim class. I had been signing the girls up for consecutive 8-week sessions of swim class since last fall, but this time when I went to sign them up for the next 8-week session A's class was already full. I figured it was a sign that it was time for a break. Lately, R has been particularly whiny about having to go to swim class - I think she was needing a break. A is disappointed, but I'm with is time for a bit of a break.

Rick and I will be meeting with R's teacher tomorrow for a spring conference. Hard to believe that it's that time of year already. I'll post and update on that tomorrow night - hopefully a good one! As far as I can tell she is having a good year and the social piece is getting better for her. The other day her teacher told me via email that R is talking and sharing more in class and in small groups which is great to hear.

And in a few short weeks I'll be signing A up for kindergarten!!! Egads.

OK, time to get snack for the girls.

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