Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A few birthday snapshots

Just wanted to share a few of the pictures from the weekend birthday celebrations.

The big 4-year-old birthday girl!

The soon-to-be one-year-old girl (if she only gets balloons for her birthday she'll be thrilled...I could not keep her away from them)!

The infamous unicorn pancakes for breakfast!

I loved this card that R made for A. She drew a picture of a poodle in a cornfield (?? LOL) and wrote the entire card without any help. Awwwwww...

The girls at the party had a fun time getting all gussied up and playing "pin the horn on the unicorn"!

The unicorn cake. Ta-da!

Opening one of many awesome gifts (N, on right, gave her a jewelry box that plays music and has a dancing ballerina - life is good).

Saturday evening we celebrated both A's and our friend Meri's birthday. They each got a candle to blow out on the cake.

We had a fun weekend of celebrations but I was so beat after all was said and done. Rick thankfully allowed me to take an hour and a half nap yesterday and then I got to bed early last night. E slept fairly well last night which also helped me feel more human this morning.

Oh, and in other news my toe is finally healed enough that I can get out walking again. I'm going for 5 times this week and managed to get out yesterday and today with Lauri for our 4-mile walk! Trying to get back on track!


Karyn said...

You are too much! LOL! Love the cake and the pancakes and the card and the princess gowns... oh my!

TuxBaby said...

I love the unicorn pancakes!!! How totally FUN! Great job with a wildly creative though, Jeanne!

I'm glad she had a great time!
