Church - 10:30am
Some friends who had moved away were back visiting this weekend and we got to see them all at church. Middle girl is standing with her friend C who was born two days before her. Yes, they both turned 6 this month - even though Middle girl is nearly a head taller. LOL
Church - noon
Leaving church - isn't it a gorgeous day?
After lunch we decided that we would take the girls apple-picking in a local orchard.
Cold Spring Apple Orchard - 1:45pm
How do you like them apples?
So big that Middle girl can barely carry more than two.
Look, ma! It's as big as my face!
The apples of my eye.
There was a geocache (go to for the 411 on that!) not far from the orchard so we figured we try to find it.
On the trail - 1:50pm
Rebeca took this picture of me and Rick (and if you look between Rick's legs you can see Middle girl hiding behind him)
Off the beaten path - 2:00pm
Rick on the hunt for the cache.
Trailside - 2:10pm
Success! The girls got to choose a trinket and we left a few behind. And on the way out of the cache we met some fellow geocachers...a dad and daughter team who were out for their fourth find. It was the first time in all the years we've been caching that we actually met someone on the trail who was also out geocaching! We've been out before and suspected that another group or person on the trail was a geocacher but it seems verboten to yell out "hey, are you a geocacher"?
Date Night! To end the day off on a wonderful note Rick and I had managed to arrange for a date night. We were long overdue - or at least it felt that way. We dropped the girls off at Rick's parents' house and headed out for a late afternoon hike to enjoy the foliage and the views on the top of a nearby mountain. The weather was absolutely perfect, but the mosquitoes were a bit insane for this time of year. And the mountain itself was swarming with other like-minded individuals who wanted to enjoy the day to the fullest. I think we passed at least 30 other groups of hikers on our way up the mountain.
Mt. Norwottuck - 5:00pm
We made it to the top!
This picture does not do justice to the great colors we saw.
On the way down - 5:20pm
Artsy fartsy fall foliage snapshot. A nice way to end this 12 of 12.
After our hike we did get out to dinner and had a delicious meal with wine, dessert and even a Bailey's coffee for me. Yum. It was relaxing to just sit and chat with no interruptions and eat some really great food that we didn't have to prepare, serve or clean up after (and no need to cut someone else's food into bite sized pieces). The end of our date night was a romantic trip to Target. We had to get some essentials like TP and paper towels and we also got a few gifts for Youngest girl who will turn three on Sunday! (Seriously!) We resisted the urge to buy a fire pit even though that would have been a romantic thing to buy on date night. But, we just don't need it and we are trying to be more mindful of the stuff we buy.
It was a great 12th of the month and I'm so glad I remembered it was 12 of 12 so I could make a record of our day. Now I'm off to post this to Chad's site and to check out what other folks did on their 12 of 12!
Wht a fantastic photo montage!
I am amazed at each new photo I see of my beautiful neices and how much they grow!!!
We tried apple picking here on Sunday too but they closed the orchard! the trees were out of apples its been so popular this year!!
What great photos!!! And I'm jealous of the beautiful weather you had! We're STILL getting nothing but cold rain right now. I'm ready for some dry sun!!
Rick looks so different with a full beard! Do you like it better than the clean face?
Wow, Rick seems really tall in that photo of you together! The girls are adorable, and it looks and sounds like you had a fantastic day and date night! And lovely weather to enjoy it all. Good stuff!
Helen (12er)
Tux - Yeah, I'm liking the beard on Rick. He had one long ago in college and I hated it because it was bushy like Grizzly Adams. Now he keeps it trimmed neatly and I do like it!
Helen - Rick is 6'6" and I'm only 5'4" - so yeah, he's tall! LOL My girls all have his tall genes and I fear it won't be long before they are also towering over me!
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