The big news today in E.W. is that Middle girl lost her first tooth! And "lost" is a good way to put it because she literally lost it. She was eating an apple and accidentally swallowed it. I think we were all very surprised because she had not been complaining of a loose tooth and then bam! it was gone. She was upset at first but luckily Eldest girl had something similar happen not that long ago and a note explaining the situation sufficed in getting her due from the tooth fairy. So, she figured we could just write another note and hopefully she'd get a visit too. Eldest girl helped her write the note and they left it along with a 'form' for the tooth fairy to fill out! I'll scan it and post it once the fairy has gotten a chance to fill it out. I'm curious to know if she'll actually have time to do that while she is here. I guess it depends on how many houses she needs to get to before morning...
Without further ado - here's Middle girl with her adorable gap-toothed smile.
Monday she turns 6! Which is pretty hard to believe.
And it's picture day at school so I'm hoping she will show off her new smile. :-D
The Tooth Fairy did, indeed, make her visit last night. Middle girl was up very early this morning to check and found four quarters and a note in a little envelope from the tooth fairy. The note gave Congrats on losing her first tooth and condolences for swallowing it. She also wished Middle girl a happy birthday! She signed the note "Your Tooth Fairy, Starr". The girls assumed that the tooth fairy did not have time to fill in the little form they left for her but mom's sharp eyes noticed the teeny, tiny handwriting on the form! Not sure it will show up here - but you should be able to click on the picture to see it larger on Flickr. She wrote her name, the date she found it and her comment was "Sorry you swallowed it!"
How exciting! And how funny about the "letter to the tooth fairy" as the tooth itself is MIA!
Did you email Matt Damon yet? I'm sure he'd be excited by the news, too! ;-)
Actually, that's on my To-Do list today, Tux. I'm going to see if he's available to make a video with me.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday! My girls also wrote notes to the tooth fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa when they were little. Had to have direct evidence that the Tooth Fairy etc. did indeed exist. I remember writing notes back to the girls at the wee hours of the morning! Gosh they grow up fast! :)
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