Friday, February 01, 2008

In Which My Job Search Ends Before It Begins....

OK, so I told you all that I had to send an email off to my former boss to find out if I could get my hands on a copy of my resume, right?

Well, there's good news and there's Good News to share!

First of all, the good news - Rick found a not too ancient copy of my resume on an old back-up someplace or other. It's from 2003, but since my employment history has been scant since then it is not really too far out of date (sad, huh?). At least I won't be starting from scratch. Have I mentioned how much I hate writing up my resume?

As for the Good News - my former boss responded to my email. Here's what she wrote...I'll let the email speak for itself:

Hi Jeanne,
I'm sorry - I can't find it. I think it must have gotten lost in my
move from downstairs to upstairs where my office is now. I even had
someone look down in the cages at the 'former employees' files.
Anyway, just so you know - we are still looking for someone to help us
in the CCATT Center. YOU would be perfect. I hope you will still
consider us. Just let me know - it could be part-time or full-time.
Take care - glad to hear the girls are well.


Can you stand it? I'm thinking I'll be sending off countless resumes and cover letters this summer and looking for a part-time job and then I get asked to consider working for them part-time or full-time!? It feels good to be wanted, I tell ya.

I wrote back that I am very interested in working in the area of Augmentative and Alternative Communication again (that's pretty much what they do at the CCATT center) and that I would love to work with her team of professionals again (I held a very part-time position with them during the 2004-05 school year and left because I was pregnant with Eliza). I'm not sure what the position would entail and whether it would be similar to my previous position. When I worked for them last I was the "fill-in" girl and took on contracts that were difficult for the other team members to fit in their schedule. I ended up with some contracts that were only once or twice a month visits to schools and my primary goal was to educate the team of Special Education service providers (mainly SLP, but also classroom teacher, OT, PT, and paraprofessionals as necessary) in the selection, design/set-up, and implementation of communication devices for students with moderate to severe communication impairments. I learned so much in the short time I worked with them and will strongly consider a return to this kind of job.

I know that the field has probably changed exponentially since I left over 2 years ago, but I am excited for the opportunity to develop a specialty and find a unique niche rather than working as a 'general practitioner' in a school setting. My current plan is to work on some self-directed learning/professional development to find out what new products are available and learn how to use them (not to mention get a refresher on the tried and true products). The CCATT has one afternoon each month where professionals and parents of students with disabilities can do just that - learn about what is out there and get a chance to actually use them hands-on. I plan to attend a session or two this spring and I also asked my former (once-and-future?!) boss if there would be the chance of 'shadowing'/observing someone on the team to learn even more before I jump back in. I had planned to try to get a few SLP friends to allow me to observe them and I may still do that as well.

I had a brief moment after reading that email where I considered the possibility of jumping back to work sooner rather than later, but I realized that the combination arranging childcare full-day for E and working out a feasible schedule for pick-up/drop-off for A is a bit daunting. Things are busy enough right now that I think I'll just enjoy the rest of my SAHM status and plan for re-entry to the workforce in the fall.

As an aside, I also found out recently about a website called where you can post your resume and search for job listings in your area. I was speaking with R's principal during my Tuesday stint as a library assistant and mentioned that I would be planning to return to work this fall. He asked what kind of job I was looking for and I told him that I am an SLP. Well, you should have seen his eyes light up at that and he asked if I had my resume up on Schoolspring. I explained that I had just found out about it and gave him my 'sob story' about my resume and how I was working on trying to get my hands on a copy so I could get it updated and posted. He also advised me to call and speak with the Director of Special Education for our town and give her the heads up. I actually know the Director quite well because R was in her daughter's class last year and they live in our neighborhood. So, I will probably put a bug in her ear just to keep my options open but I'm hoping that the CCATT center will still have a need for me come fall.

Who would have thought that a search for my resume in order to update it so I can search for a job would end up with a job finding me instead?


Anonymous said...

Hi, Jeanne,

What a great story! Yes, the job search can sometimes be lengthy and frustrating, and I am so happy that it may not be so for you this time around.

I too will be looking for a new position for the fall, and have just begun to use SchoolSpring. It is truly a one-stop resource for education jobs, very easy to use, and its free! I receive email alerts about jobs in my specialty, and email notifications about my applications, not kept in the dark like with some other job sites. I would encourage everyone to give it a try.

Jeanne Tuthill said...

Thanks for commenting! Do I know you or did you just happen upon my blog randomly?

Schoolspring is a great thing! I'm glad that I found out about it.

Good luck in your job search!

Lisa said...

Hey! Fantastic news!! As friends of mine would put out the intention of a job and it came right to you!

I have to now check into that schoolspring site.


TuxBaby said...

That is so very cool, Jeanne! Not too many people can say that a job (in their own field!) just came TO them this way! I guess in a way- the job I have sort of found me this way as well- but I know it's RARE! Sure does make you feel great and wanted, doesn't it??!


snowelf said...

Hey!! What an ironic coincidence!! ;)
I am so happy for you, Jeanne!!

hugs and celebratory crafting! :D
