You Belong in 1980 |
![]() Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. |
I'm not sure I'm in total agreement about the "wild and over the top part"...but yeah, I'm a bit cheesy. And the decade certainly fits!
I hope to get back in the groove soon. I just have not felt much like using my brain while on the computer of late. I've been doing a fair bit of knitting and trying to work on increasing my exercise quota - both of which have cut into the computer time - and when I've been online I've been zoning out playing games on (does anyone really win those freakin' jackpots?! I could use $4999.00 right about now) and reading other peoples blogs. Yeah, I'm a dweeb. But, I hope y'all still love me.
We've also had some illnesses in the house - Rick is the most recent victim and R and A have been fighting off various germs for the past 7-10 days.
Other than that, I'm just trying to adjust to the fact that it is 2008 which means R will be turning 8 in a matter of weeks. What the heck?! Wasn't she a toothless, squirmy bundle in my arms not that long ago? And how is it that A will board the Big Bus to Kindergarten in the not too distant future? And let's not even talk about the little 2-year-old imp who resides in this house and thinks she's the boss. Where are all my babies???
Among other things I'm preoccupied with thoughts of returning to work this Fall. I have, for some time now, planned to rejoin the workforce once E was (in my sole estimation) old enough to be off to daycare/preschool. My fabulous neighbor (and E's godmother, to boot!) had been informed many moons ago that we would like E to join her little gaggle of daycare kids starting this Fall and so we asked for a full-day Tuesday/Thursday spot on her roster. So, the plans are in motion and soon I'll need to brush off the old resume and see what's out there. In fact, I went looking for said resume this evening and much to my chagrin it appears to have been, at some point, wiped clear off this computer's hard drive. Not intentionally, mind you - but likely the victim of some kind of meltdown or crash or some such. Rick takes great pains to retrieve what he can but it appears that my resume is gone for good. Rather than reinvent the wheel I have sent off a somewhat embarrassing email to my most recent boss to ask if she has, perchance, a copy of my old resume so that I have a better starting place than from scratch. Sigh. Here's hoping. I would hate to have to start from the basement up on that thing! I hate writing resumes!!!
So, there you have it. The latest (not very exciting) post from yours truly. I can't make any promises but I'll try to get back here sooner rather than later. Ciao for now!
So good to hear from you again!! I was wondering what was going on out in that neck of the woods...Good luck on the resume..the mere thought of doing one strikes terror in my heart. I panic about dates, etc.
Happy and Healthy to you!!
Yea, your an 80's chick! LOL!
Hope you all rid the germs out of your house soon!
I have MISSED YOU! I know you've been busy- but fill US in on your busy-ness, will ya?!? ;-)
Yay about sliding back into the workforce. I hope it all works out for you when you're ready to make that move! My "slide" back into the workforce is a looong slide, sort of- as I'm taking my time with the part-time gig and not pushing for fulltime yet.
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