Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ups and downs

I don't feel very motivated these days. I can't even seem to muster up the effort to get a few pics posted of the latest VA adventure or the 4th of July festivities. I'm thinking that the heat and humidity is affecting my brain and my desire to move or think.

And the heat makes me want to drink a cold beer at the end of the day...which in turn makes me want to nosh on something...which means the scale is sliding ever so slightly upwards. Me no like. I seem to have a fair bit of luck in the late winter and spring with the weight loss efforts. I have good intentions and keep track of calories and try to work out regularly. It's the summertime that derails me and causes the backslide that often lasts into and includes the festive and food-filled holiday season from Halloween candy to New Year's toast.


I need to find some level of motivation to get back on track. I have gotten back to my morning walks for the most part, but I'm sorely lacking (but obviously not sore of muscle) in the weight-training department. I seem to need that component (combined with the calorie counting) to exact any changes on the scale. The walking is certainly good for maintenance but beyond that I don't seem to make much progress with walking. And the alcohol and the munchies are not doing me much good either.


TuxBaby said...

Well, don't look at ME for motivation right now!! lol

I tend to lose steam this time of year myself! It's too hot to want to get all sweaty!


snowelf said...

Yea, when my gym membership ended (I pay three months at a time), I didn't renew because it was "summer" and I would be out rollerblading and walking "all the time." Uh huh. Totally have been on a downhill slide. I have gained 5 pounds from all the weight I lost, but thank goodness not ALL of it. My newfound motivation has been my daughter so I've been totally being a good girl this week...and of course today when I saw my dimply butt in a full length mirror...not good. I'm back on the wagon and wanting to schedule a lipo! (okay, not really...but it was awfully motivating!)
Don't worry, we all do it even when we swear we won't. I find I just start with something small--even if it's just the food, or just the exercise, then I seem to get back in step. I usually have to be kicked in my dimply butt though. ;)
