Tuesday, July 03, 2007

CNN is falling down on the job

Hell must have frozen over but the story did not make the front page on the CNN website. In fact, I can't find reference to it anywhere on CNN or elsewhere.

But, it must be true.

Why, you ask?

Because ALL three girls slept in past 8:00 this morning!

I got back from my walk this morning and all was quiet. Rick headed off to work and I sat at the computer with my breakfast (farm fresh strawberries and whole wheat English muffin with Laughing Cow cheese spread...yum) and ate a peaceful meal while surfing my favorite news sites and blogs. Then, to add to the tranquility of the morning, I showered without interruption or the background cacophony of screeching, screaming, fussing and crying.

It was a little slice of heaven this morning.

The girls are now awake and I'm enjoying a cup of coffee...dare I hope to actually finish it before it is stone cold? Now that would just be the cherry on top!


Juggling Frogs said...


Is it just me, or do you also hear 'phantom' kid voices when showering? Even when all the kids are out of the house, I still hear "Mooooommmmy" a few times when I shower.

Have a great day, and enjoy your scoop on CNN!

Sara said...

Wow, Mrs.T...this is certainly a rare phenom. I wonder if TMZ has picked up the story yet?
Glad you had a peaceful start to the day! Mine started not so quietly at 5am...ugh.

snowelf said...

I cannot tell you when the last time my son slept past 7 o clock was...
It's waaaay back in my blog, but I also have a post like this where I first refer to my son as "Woobie The Rooster." I hope you soaked up every silent minute of bliss. I LOVE quiet mornings...if I could have quiet mornings, I'd never have to bother with staying up late for some peace and quiet! ;)

Come on teenage years!


Jeanne Tuthill said...

Juggling Frogs -- (still loving the image I get reading that name! LOL)
Nope - I don't hear phantom kids voices in the shower, but I did hear them last night when Rick and I were watching a movie and the kids were all asleep!

S&O - It's years of those early 5am starts that makes me fully appreciate the fact that they slept in for once!! LOL

Snow - R was, for many years our very own "Rooster" but now that she is 7 she wakes at the more civil hour of 6:30 most mornings. I, too, can't wait to exact revenge on their teenaged behinds when I start waking THEM up in the morning (insert evil laugh)!