Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Not feeling like cleaning/decluttering at the moment so I've done a number of things to avoid that task. I want to get things organized, dusted, and cleaned before we put up the Christmas decorations (which I hope to do with the girls on Friday) - so I have some time to get it done but I had told myself I'd do it this morning while A is at preschool. So far, I've spent a good deal of time on the computer doing a variety of things....

*I researched Christmas gift items (but managed not to melt the credit card online this morning).

*I read up on the news a bit.

*I checked my usual haunts - various blogs, message boards, and Freecycle, among others.

*I worked on our Christmas card collage - this year we did not succeed in getting a decent family picture so instead I took individual pictures of the girls and used the handy dandy timer feature to get a picture of me and Rick together. I resized those pictures and have been working diligently at making a collage that will look nice in a 4"X6" print. I even added my own little holiday message and a clip art Christmas tree. It's looking nice but still needed some tweaking. If you are among those lucky enough to be on my personal Christmas card list you will be receiving your very own copy in the mail in a week or two (depends on how much I procrastinate on getting them stamped and mailed). If you are not lucky enough to be on my personal Christmas card list you can still see the results of my labors at a later date. I want the cards to reach their destination before I unveil my creative genius to the masses.

*And now I'm busy writing my third blog entry in three days. Woohoo! Go, Jeanne, go. I don't think I could ever manage to post every day for an entire month like some others have done this month. Super duper, extra special, high-fivin' kudos to all of those who participated in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). Only two more days to go - well, one more day if you don't count today! It's been great reading the daily entries over the past few weeks. I hope those who participated don't become hermits for a while once the month is over (not that I could really blame them but I'd really miss them, ya know....)

Today is R's early release day (every Wednesday here in our school district) and so she'll be bounding off that big yellow bus not long after I pick A up from school. And I need to leave to go get A in about 20 minutes. This afternoon I am taking R into the doctor's office for a FluMist vaccine. I am avoiding the mercury preservative in the shot version of the flu vaccine by getting her the mist variety...unfortunately, A is not old enough for the FluMist and too old for the non-mercury shot version that E got at her doctor's appointment so she will not be getting the flu shot this year....praying that she stays healthy! After the doctor's appointment R is going to have a playdate with a former classmate from Preschool and Kindergarten. They are not in the same 1st grade class and have been asking for a playdate for a while so she's going over to his house for a couple of hours this afternoon. A has a playdate lined up with one of her classmates tomorrow - he is coming to our house. And then A has been invited to a Pajama/Slumber party for Saturday night. I have a feeling that it will just end up being a pajama party because I can't imagine many 4 or 5 year olds doing well at a sleepover! I was surprised by the invitation that she got and expect that I will just pick her up after the festivities of the evening (popcorn, movie, etc.), but we'll see how it goes! Geesh, my girls have a very active social life all of a sudden!

Ok, maybe I can get a bit of cleaning/organizing done between now and 12:30 when I have to be out the door to get A!

I seemed to have lost my motivation. Has anyone seen it? Or do you know where I can get some more?

1 comment:

TuxBaby said...

Nope, no motivation or inspiration coming from me! I usually put up the tree and all the decorations the weekend of Thanksgiving... but not this year! I gotta get it done THIS weekend, or it might not get done at all!
