Summer is going by so fast.
R and A are bronze-hued and sun-kissed. Though E is still looking like a fair maiden as any part-Irish, not-yet-two-year-old should look.
We have had a couple of trips to the Cape to dig in the sand, frolic in the waves, and soak up the sun.
Early in the summer, just after school let out, we took the kids on the Virginia adventure 2007 which, on the whole, went well. We are, however, considering alternatives for next years "big adventure." In fact, Rick is turning the "big 4-0" next year and his parents are each hitting milestone birthdays so a big ole family trip to somewhere is being discussed.
Other summertime excursions have included road trips to go Geocaching, splashing in rivers, and dips in a friend's pool.
The older girls have had a chance to enjoy some time at camp and they are currently enrolled in swimming classes.
All in all, a good summer. One that I'm sad to see end. The girls are doing so well and we've enjoyed some great times together this summer.

R is growing up so very fast. She is reading at a fast and furious pace. She probably reads faster than I do now and she is taking after her dad and devouring books faster than we can replenish her literary plate...which reminds me - a trip to the library should be on our agenda this week.
Just in the last few weeks I'm finding her to be maturing in leaps and bounds. She is more "even keeled" and able to problem-solve issues with little to no intervention. She still lets A get under her skin at times but yet there are times when she handles formerly tension-fraught moments with ease. I've found her to be, in the past, rather negative and fatalistic when it came to problems or things she merely perceived as insurmountable problems and now she seems to be able to see past that mentality and is finding the solutions. This has reduced stress on so many levels. And I think she is even starting to look forward to second least for today. She was excited to buy a new bac

A is on the cusp of 'big girlhood' now that she is nearly five (5?!). The last few months have been a bit rough with A. She has been testing limits and asserting her independence a little bit too much for her own good. She's been reverting to that annoying 2-year-old phase where her favorite word is "no" and she has not been shy about using it. More times than I can count I've had to have the "who's in charge?" discussion with her and it often took asking that question more than once for "Little Miss I'm in Charge" to get the answer right. I've vented at length with Lauri during our morning walks and she has assured me that many kids go through this stage just before they turn five. She doesn't quite know why it happens but it seems to be something to do with that fear of the unknown, cusp of becoming a big kid thing. It also seems to coincide with those months leading up to Kindergarten. I'm so hoping that A is getting this phase out of her system and we don't see it rear it's ugly head again next summer before her big transition to Kindergarten. Being an October baby means she will be starting Kindergarten about month before she turns six. So, she has one more year of preschool and she is looking forward to being one of the "big kids" at school who already knows the ropes. There are six kids in her class who will be returning for their second y

Check out this video of the two of them at swim class.

And last but not least, my sweet little E. She is just wanting to be one of the big kids so badly! She jumps at the chance to do whatever they are doing - riding...or rather sitting...on a big kid bike, wearing goggles at the pool and attempting to put her face in the water (she is by far my most fearless kid when it comes to the water), helping (well, hindering might be a better choice of word) with setting the table, clean up time and other chores, climbing up the ladder to the tall platform on the playground equipment, etc... Her speech and language skills are exploding and she is putting strings of words together to make her desires quite clear. She can be quite a bossy little thing but also very sweet and thoughtful (she will often say "danku" unprompted, as well as "bess you" when someone sneezes and "cooz me!" when she passes gas...of course she thinks it is hilarious to pass gas and will often try to do so on purpose. Such a delicate a

I guess I'm just realizing that they will never be 7-ish, nearly 5-ish and nearly 2-ish again and I'm realizing that as crazy and annoyed as I can sometimes get "in the moment" with all of them that I've really had some wonderful times with them, too. They are growing and changing constantly and although they are exhausting and exasperating and complicated they are also wonderful, amazing and unique. We have more fun times ahead, I'm sure, but right now I'm wanting to hold on to this summer and not let go. maybe there is also a tiny part of me that is looking forward to the start of a new school year when I might be able to carve out a bit more kid-free time during the week... And perhaps my desire to extend those lazy days of summer has a tiny bit to do with the fact that the end of summer means that another year has gone full circle for me. When did the milestones turn from celebrations (first steps, riding a two-wheeler, turning 21, first real job) to moments of dread and distaste (first gray hair, another
Awww- I'm not even their Mom and I'm wanting to shed a tear over their growing up! How DOES that time go so fast?!? I still remember when we were counting the days when our 2000 babies were still 'cooking' and looking forward to their births! (But man- that also seems like FOREVER ago, too)
This is one the the neatest Mommy-thoughts posts I've read in awhile. And I love that picture of them all lined up on the top of the playground "house". You have that framed and on the wall yet?? Huh? Huh? What's keepin' ya, huh?? ;-)
LOL - no, I don't have that one framed on the wall. I've been remiss in my photography duties and I am over a year behind on printing pics and putting them in albums! Help!
I just ordered a couple months worth and threw them in albums and now I need to go order a few more months worth and so on and so forth....until I am caught up. It's bad since all I do is print them and throw them in general date order into photo albums!!!!
Since everything has gone digital, my computer and back up discs have become my photo albums!! But I love that pic of them all lined up, too.
Remember at the beginning of summer when we as mommies were dreading it!! :)
My daughter is JUST like your oldest--negative first, but slowly coming into her own light. She does not handle change well and gets crabby and stressed until she feels settled again, but once she does, she's outgoing, friendly, and kind and a pure riot to be around. Hopefully E has an easy time with the shift!!
All your girls are so beautiful and isn't it so great to be able to share them in all their individual light!
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