So today, since I can't boast to becoming a millionaire overnight, I will instead give myself a shout-out for being the big "loser" that I am!

Today's weigh-in matched yesterday's so I can now officially say that I've dropped the equivalent of three bags of flour off my bod since the start of the new year. No wonder the exercising seems to be getting easier. I'm not trying to exercise with all those bags of flour stuck to me!

My original goal is still 20 pounds away (four more bags!) but I am quite happy with my progress thus far. I've managed to fit exercise into my daily life and I can feel myself getting stronger and I feel more definition to the muscles that are there somewhere under the flab! My eating has gotten much better and I found that after the first couple of weeks my cravings dropped off significantly and I found it much easier to stick to my goal of 1500 calories. In the beginning that seemed impossible and at first I was at about 1800 calories a day but over time I managed to feel less deprived. Now there are days that I enter my food into my computer program and I have actually had less than 1500 calories and did not feel that hungry during the course of the day. I guess it's all about what your body gets used to. Those first few weeks are tough, but I guess that's how long it takes for your body to catch up with your brain.
As for the exercise, I've been mixing up my workouts so that I don't get too bored and lose interest. So far, it's a good call. I keep thinking I should get more dreadmill workouts into the mix but the thought usually doesn't excite me too much. I need that external motivation of the person on the TV making me go farther and work harder than I would on my own. I wonder if anyone has put together a treadmill workout video or than this one? Somthing like that might do the trick!
My morning walks have not been happening this week due to the extrememly cold weather and even colder windchills so it's a good thing I have the workout videos to keep me moving. I've missed seeing Lauri in the mornings, though, so I hope we can get back to our regular walks next week. Spring should be arriving soon, right?
So, that's my diet/exercise/weight update for those of you who are still actually reading and have not clicked on to greener pastures! Those of you still hanging out here deserve some sort of prize. (Especially if you leave a comment - hint, hint...)
YAHOO!! That is certainly something to be proud of!! Keep up the good work, you sexy momma!!
Just so we know - is there anything you DON'T do well?
Work it Jeanne. You rock!
Jeanne- 1 of those lottery tickets was bought about 30 mins from my house! Can you say OUCH?! lol
Sherri (from feb moms board)
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