She arrived on a Sunday morning five days past her estimated due date. The last week or so of her pregnancy was a very emotional time for me. I was anxious to meet her yet wondered how I would manage as a mother of two. I'd imagined what she might look like and how R would react to her new sister. I had the same fear that I'd heard echoed by other moms when having their second baby - will I find a way to love this new baby as much and as fiercely as I love my first? It now seems like such a silly thing to be afriad of - there was and is enough room for A just as much as for E when she entered my heart and our family and there is still plenty of love to spare! Love abounds - it grows bigger and stronger just as our family grew and as our girls grow bigger and stronger with each passing day.
But, how is it possible that she has grown and changed so much in what feels like the blink of an eye. I still think of her as my baby girl - the one with the full head of hair and the round little face, all swaddled and cozy in that hospital bassinet.
Our sweet second girl fit into the family so nicely. She was so loved by her big sister R from day one. R always wanted to hold her and love on her (sometimes a little too roughly!) and once she became old enough to play they became thick as thieves. They are sisters in every sense of the word. Yes, they fight. But, they have their moments of tenderness, protectiveness, and conspiracy together. And now that one-time baby is now a proud big sister herself. She welcomed E with a heart bursting with love and affection and although she is not too keen on E slobbering on her "stuff" she loves her little sister and will often tell me how very cute E is.
A is so loving, sweet, caring, and at times an opinionated little thing who I love to pieces. Once she learned to speak I began to hear "Mommy, I love you!" many, many times a day and I never tire of hearing it.
She is a smart girl and so very social. She made friends last year in daycare and with the kids at church school and now she has a number of sweet little friends at her preschool this year. Tomorrow is her party and in honor of her turning four she has invited four of her friends - 2 from school and 2 from daycare. She loves being at preschool and has many things to tell us at dinnertime about her day and all the wonderful things she did.
She loves Barbies, horses/unicorns, dogs, playing dress-up and playing with any kind of "people" (dolls, plastic disneys, barbies, dollhouse people, etc...) and playing with her big sister and her many friends. But, she is also very good at playing on her own and her imagination is vivid and active! She just recently learned to pump on the swings and is very proud of her accomplishment - and we are so very proud of her and all her wonderful accomplishments and just proud to be her parents and call her our very own sweet A.
She has asked for a Unicorn party and I have made a cake with a rainbow on the top and bought a plastic unicorn to put on top. I bought unicorn plates and napkins, and I drew a unicorn for a 'Pin the Horn on the Unicorn' game. She is THRILLED! Her party is tomorrow and they will be making necklaces, playing games, eating pizza and cake and ice cream. There will be gifts and smiles and laughter and joy. I am hoping she has a birthday to remember.
When she woke up this morning I told her she was soon going to be four (at 6:56 am) and I had her come out to the dining room where I have already decorated for her party tomorrow and where all her gifts from us were laid out. She got to open her gifts (she loved them all - so easy to please!) and I made her pancakes as a special breakfast. I did my best to make unicorn-shaped ones and made face, horn, etc. with decorator frosting.
We had planned to order pizza for dinner, per the birthday girl's request, but plans changed and she opted instead for a burger and "smiley" fries from a local eatery. She proudly told the waitress it was her birthday. She seemed to enjoy her special meal but I think the day was growing long and my birthday girl's stamina was giving out.
So, it was home and off to bed for the birthday girl - who will have more celebrations to dream about tonight and to experience tomorrow.
Sweet dreams, my sweet A. May all your birthday wishes come true!
Love, Mom
Awwwww!!! What a nice tribute to A!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have a fun time at your party!
Love that A.! Big hugs to her and to you.... You know, we all know she is YOUR Mini-Me but with her mouth open, she looks like Rick! Ha! And I don't mean that the snarky way it probably sounded!
Happy belated Birthday, A!!!!!! What a big girl she is now!
And to think you have a third to add to the sisterhood conspiracy...
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