You Are Cindy Brady |
 Warm hearted and sweet, you have a childlike innocence that lets you see the good in everyone. But you're also a bit of a baby. You stick your nose where it doesn't belong... and cry when you get caught! |
Continuing to test out some different thingamajigs as I try out my new blog-home. Seems like the posting of lame test results works like it is supposed to. (And I'm not sure if I mean that the test is lame or the results are, but I guess you could assume both in this case).
Seeing as I am the youngest in my family I guess I can't really argue the "Cindy" tag. Plus I'm feeling a bit on the whiney side for no one particular reason today. The sleep fairy keeps forgetting to visit me regularly to put fun trinkets under my pillow or at least allow me to get a good night's sleep so I'm feeling cranky, short on patience, and just plain blah. Rick is gone for the day and Miss E. is being a bit cranky and whiney - teething, perhaps? Who knows...
As for Rick, he
escaped went on an errand today - a not very fun errand, mind you - but at least he gets to do it
alone which is enough to make me feel a bit jealous. He is driving out to my sister's house (2.5 hours away) to disassemble and take away their swingset and bring it back here. My sister's kids have outgrown it and it's a whole lot newer and nicer and less rickety than the old hand-me-down we have in the backyard right now. My sister is a sweetheart to give it to us and Rick is a gem for driving out there to get it and bring it back. Our original plan for swingset retrieval included me driving with the girls in a separate car (the Jeep has the trailer hitch but does not provide seating for the whole gang) to visit with my sister and her kids and give Rick a hand as needed with the swingset. But, due to sleep issues and the nightmare logistics involved in that plan we revised it and decided that Rick would go alone and my teenaged nephew will be around today to assist with whatever loading help he might need. I am relieved on the one hand but a bit disappointed that I won't get to visit with my sister today and wondering what to do to keep the kids entertained while still retaining my sanity.
Time to get another cup of coffee and make the girls some breakfast.
Now Jeanne, don't go badmouthing the Brady Meme.
You KNOW I'm going to do it... and find out that I'm the BAD Brady, the Controversial European Brady Cousin Nobody Talks About or something... like...Alice & Sam's illegitimate lovechild, the ultimate loser... ok, off to the Brady Test.
Can't wait to see YOUR results, my dear! Snicker, snicker.
Be sure to post your results - no cheating! ;-)
Oh man....
***You Are Bobby Brainy***
Ultra competitive, you will do almost anything to win. From pull ups to pool sharking, you're very talented.
And while everyone is aware of your victories, they still (affectionately) consider you to be a little brat!
Uhh... that's not me! But oh well! lol
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