Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The 12 of 12 that wasn't....

I only managed to take a total of 7 pictures on Monday. Not nearly enough to attempt to throw in one or two last boring end of day pictures to post and actually participate. Sigh...

Maybe next month. (And maybe someone other than Rick will actually read the blog again if I post a link on Chad's 12 of 12 site!)

I guess I was silent for so long that even my few "regulars" stopped checking in! Not that I blame them. It's been a very long draught around here.

Today is normally a "no-work" day for me but once a month I have a Wendesday meeting to attend. Today is that Wednesday. Blah. Youngest girl normally goes to daycare two days a week but on my meeting week she goes three days in a row. Although she is finally getting better about going to daycare she still has a tough time when she has her three day week. Her dropoff routine is to snuggle on the couch with me or Rick and then we let Lauri take over with the snuggling and she is fine. Today I sat with her for a few minutes and then, when she was seeming sullen, I asked "How are ya doing?" Her response: "I'm still not happy." And then she broke down in tears. Sigh.... She was not likely to 'be happy' unless I suddenly decided it was not a Lauri day and she could come home and hang with mom. I finally encouraged her bribed her to be good by promising to buy more M&M's today so she could have some this evening IF Lauri reports that she had a good day at daycare. Naughty mommy...I just have a hard time saying goodbye to tears.

This coming weekend we are headed down to my hometown to visit my family. We are also invited to a party at my good friend S's house. She was my next door neighbor growing up and she was a year behind me in school. I think that many of the invitees are alumni from our high school -- many of whom I may not know (or recognize!) because they were in her graduating class. But, I should know a few of them and I'm really looking forward to hanging out with everyone this weekend! Something that I find neat and kind of funny about the party - most of the invitations were sent out via Facebook! I have become a regular user of Facebook Fanatic. I check in with my Facebook 'gang' whenever I'm at home checking email or just wasting time on the computer. Facebook can be such a HUGE time waster! I had to laugh when I read this post over on Notes to Self about the FB experience. Although I don't have any pothead ex-boyfriend's, my mom is actually on FB and I find myself second-guessing myself before I post anything because I start to remember that not only can my MOM read it, but a former professor of mine, co-workers past and present, and even my nieces and nephews are my FB friends. I do love it though. I feel that my relationship with said nieces and nephews has been strengthened by FB because we can have these little inconsequential but fun conversations that would not have been possible, or likely to ever happen, otherwise! I'm also chatting with certain other people that I would not have made the time to call or to email. I notice they are online and I send a quick "hello" which is sometimes not much more than that and sometimes it turns into a lenghty catch-up conversation. I am proud to be a Facebook Addict. No need to send me information on a 12-step program. I'm good.


TuxBaby said...

I'm still reading from here, missy!!! When there's something to read, that is!! Good to see you posting stuff again! Isn't FB fun?? Addicting! But I've found soooo many old friends on there, it's crazy. Very cool.

Oh- and didn't you know what the M's of M&Ms stood for??! Mommy's Magic! Yes- just use those to perform miracles on those cranky children! ;-)

I think I need some of those for myself. The mint chocolate kind that I always buy at Christmastime. Or the dark chocolate ones the rest of the year. Plus, I can eat them while crocheting and I don't get the yarn dirty. hehe


elastic waistland said...

Woohoo! A comment! Someone *is* still out there. Thanks, Tux, for commenting and letting me know that I'm not just talking to myself around here. LOL

TuxBaby said...

Believe me- I've been checking often- but when I see "School Pictures are in!" as the heading, I clicked right back out! So if you ever want me to stop reading- just keep THAT posting "on top" and I will just keep on thinking nothing has changed. LOL


snowelf said...

(Skidding in....)

Hey!!! I've missed you!! I haven't had much time for blogging the way I would like either and then my poor computer went down but we're all good now. I LOVE the pic of the girls in your header!

I have a facebook, but I hardly have any people on it... I didn't realize so mnay people were on it and all the sudden they are showing up everywhere! :)
