I was blog-surfing the other day and happened upon a blog in which there was mention of making delicious ice cream (complete with a cute picture of her little girl in a pink straw hat enjoying said ice cream). It served as a reminder that we need to use the handy-dandy ice cream maker we have tucked away in the basement more often. The strawberries we picked will add just the right touch to a foray into creamy culinary goodness. More on that later.
In other news: I. am. pathetic.
Not like that is even blog-worthy news. But, I just had to state it for the record. Because it is so true.
I feel like an 80-year-old woman when I try to walk up and down stairs. One at a time. I creak when I stand up from a sitting position and I wince in pain when I try to sit back down. Stationary is good right now. Being still is painless. Movement, however, is not.
And it's all Jillian Michael's fault.
Well, sort of.
Ok, so it's also sort of my fault for thinking I could halt all exercise (aside from my occasional morning walks) for a loooong period of time and then just jump (literally!) right back in.
I tried the Level 1 workout on the above linked workout DVD and it KICKED MY ASS. Seriously.
It was only 20 minutes, so I figured - how hard can it be?
As it turns out...very hard. Ass-kicking, sweat-fest, heavy-breathing kind of hard.
And I'm paying the price of my own stupidity today (and Jillian's ruthlessness, let us not forget her role in all of this!
Oh. And the jumping jacks served as a very potent reminder to do my kegels more frequently.
I'm just saying... (three pumpkin-headed babies will do that to a girl, ya know...)
Exhibits 1-3
I rest my case.
This was such an entertaining blog post!!! I love the pics of your girls. WOW they are all getting so big. After watching them grow up over the years with you, it blows me away that even the little one isn't that little anymore. Time really flies.
Oh- and sorry for getting so much entertainment out of your Shredding pain... but it's only because I know EXACTLY what that pain and suffering is like!
You exercise hard for 20 measely minutes... then you die. (remember that?) lol
Oh yeah! I forgot about that comment. But, now I know exactly what you mean (and it's not that funny once you experience it!). ;-)
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