Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pollyanna and the Great Cosmos

I'm beginning to wonder if the Great Cosmos is trying to send me a message. If so, I'm choosing to ignore it and am forging ignorantly ahead. (And who is it that has been so annoyed by others' lack of communication of late? Yeah. That would be me.)

Yesterday, after I dropping A off at preschool and going to the grocery shopping, I came home hoping to find a message from the SPED director. No such luck - or so I thought. I went through the day feeling once again annoyed that my attempts at communication were being ignored.

Fast forward to 3:20pm. R is getting off the bus and the phone rings. I am hopeful but as soon as I look at the caller ID I realize it is not the call I am expecting. I take the call and get an update on a church member who is ill in the hospital so I decide to call Lauri next door and give her an update in case she hadn't heard the latest. After pressing the "off" button on the phone I notice that the display screen is indicating that I have voice mail. Voice mail? When did that happen. I had been obsessively consistently checking for messages throughout the day! And there had been no 'beep' to indicate that a caller was trying to reach me while I was on the phone. I am also supposed to get an email each time I get a voice mail, but I had received no such email alert all day (and never did, by the way). I checked my voice mail and, sure as shootin', there's a voice mail from the SPED director that she had left at 9:20am. NINE-TWENTY A. M.! Argh!

The silver lining here is that the message itself was extremely positive. She is "very interested" in meeting with me and she has heard "very many great things" about me. How's that for giving a gal a swelled head! But oh, the pressure! I just hope I live up to the expectations of all those "great things" she's heard.

It was time to get the girls to swim class when I got the message so I got them loaded into the car and quickly called her back. As luck would have it we ended up playing yet another round of phone tag. I left her a message letting her know that I would be unreachable while at swim class but that I would be home after 9:30 the next morning. That's today! It's now 10am and no phone call yet but I am once again seeing a glass that is half full. Maybe even more than half! Just call me Pollyanna. I can take it. I've certainly heard worse. Just don't tell the Great Cosmos that I'm ignoring it.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hoooray! Glad she called!!