Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 12 of 12

My first 12 of 12! You might be asking "What is that?"

Good question!

Well, I'm no expert on the matter but I do know that 12 of 12 is the brainchild of Chad Darnell. Basically you take 12 pictures (and a bonus 13th, if you so choose) on the 12th of each month and then post them on your blog. Check it out here.

Jeanne's First "12 of 12"

8:04 am
My latest knitting project. Socks for R - one is completed this is sock #2. I had a few moments of quiet time and decided to knit a few rounds.


8:16 am
Rick made a pot of tea and delivered this cup to me while I was on the couch knitting.
He's my sweetie and he treats me right. :-)


11:05 am
I got a ton of vacuuming done with the help of my little shadow E (seen in the picture supervising to be sure I had done a good enough job behind the couch).


1:19 pm
Bags are packed and ready to go to the Y! The plan? Leave early enough so I could do a workout before I had to get the girls to their 4:15 swim class.


Just after dropping the bags by the back door I went to check on the two older girls and found them happily making a mess in their room.


2:11 pm
Obsessing on Catching up on Grey's Anatomy (Season 2: Disc 3) before we had to leave for the Y. I had never seen the show and decided to tune in a few weeks ago when I found the recent episodes online. I enjoyed it so much that I ended up renting the first...then the second...season from Netflix and it has become a very baaaaad habit. Help!


5:36 pm
A and E being big helpers and setting the table for dinner. Yeah, OK...A was being helpful and E was just climbing into her chair demanding to be pushed in and banging on the table with her silverware and insisting on having her dinner NOW!


Checking on the dinner Rick was making. It was a very thick, hot, yummy chicken stew which we ate with crusty bread. Sooooo good. And made even better by the mere fact that I didn't have to cook!


5:41 pm
Laundry time! I went downstairs to pull this laundry out of the dryer (and put it elsewhere to be folded later) so I could put the wet clothes in the dryer and start a new load in the washer. Laundry - the chore that keeps on giving.


5:44 pm
Visiting Iris and Sadie. While I was downstairs checking on laundry and figured I'd see how the girls were doing. They were eager for treats and crowded near the door hoping I'd throw them a few cheerios or maybe a piece of apple. How could I say no to those cute little faces? Sadie is the all white one and Iris is the black and white one.


9:44 pm
I found a few moments to work on the sock here and there throughout the day. Socks are very satisfying projects because just a short amount of time and you can make significant progress!


9:50 pm
In the bathroom getting ready for bed. Notice the desperate need for a haircut. I'm going to take care of that tomorrow. Seriously.


Bonus Photo: Grateful for my man. He loves me unconditionally and he is truly my soul mate. I love him more than words can say.



TuxBaby said...

Congratulations on surviving your first 12 of 12! lol

I always love your pics- and now I got a stack of them! Yay! The stew looks yummy. And I love the cute one of the 2 of you guys at the end. :-)


snowelf said...

Geez, sorry it took so long to get over here! And I agree with Tux--the one at the end is just too cute!!!

The first two seasons of Grey's are AWESOME!!

Happy 1st 12 of 12!! :)


Dogeared said...

Yay for joining 12 of 12! Welcome!

And ooh, I do love a good stew, and even better with thick, crusty bread!

Helen (12 of 12er), Devon

Lisa said...

Oh yea! Another Grey's fan!! I LOVE Grey's. I did the same..never watched it the first or 2nd season...then one weekend, I spent the time..all of...watching the 1st and 2nd season and crying my eyes out! LOL!
Now I record it and watch it on the weekend when I have time and the strength to wrestle the controller from the kids!