If you don't know what the 12 of 12 deal is go check out Chad's site. OK, you get it? Good. Moving on.
Jeanne's Feburary 2009 12 of 12
7:15 am - Off to work with my cuppa joe
7:15 am Starting odometer for the day (149.0)...and a balmy 38 degrees at home.
7:17 am Foggy morning - can't see the golf course across the street.
7:18 - The corn fields near our house.
Make note of this picture...there will be one later for comparison.
7:45 am - For the second time this month I ran out of windshield washer fluid. The roads are so nasty these days.
8:00am - Arriving at my first school destination for the day.
8:01 am - Odometer reading upon arrival (178.7) and a fair bit warmer when you get further south (46)!
11:45 am Arriving at my second school destination for the day.
11:45 am I obviously travel quite a bit for work some days. Odometer reading now at 214.2. And I have traveled back north to slightly cool temps at midday (44 degrees).
3:00 pm - Making a quick stop at the craft store for a birthday present for my soon-to-be 9-year-old!
3:20 pm - OK, remember the photo from the morning commute? Here is the comparison photo showing that it really was foggy this morning! (What? There are actually mountains over there?)
3:24 pm - The bus that my children are on is in the distance. It came a bit on the early side that day and I was not home to "catch" it! They do not let my kindergartner off the bus unless someone is standing right there. I ended up pulling up behind the bus and beeping but his engine is so loud he could not hear me and he was beeping his horn to let the non-existent person in the house know he was there. He finally realized what was going on and let my kids off the bus, thankfully! Drives me nuts when they get to my house early because I have a hard enough time as it is to get home by 3:30 on the days that I work!
Not a very exciting 12 of 12 - I know. I don't feel comfortable taking pictures while I'm at work (confidentiality for the kiddos and all that) so my work day 12 of 12 entries end up being not very compelling. Unfortunately, next month will also be a work day... Oh well, at least April 12th falls on a Sunday so maybe we'll be doing something more interesting that day!