Things are still busy in E.W.
I finished typing and binding the first set of books I brought home. The day I dropped them off I received 6 more to bind (already typed by another volunteer, thankfully). Those are now sitting on the counter awaiting my attention. One of the books is R's book ("All About Rocks") and it's quite the masterpiece. Not that I'm biased or anything.
The PGO is holding a Tag (or Garage or Yard, depending on your geographic location) Sale on Saturday. Looking around to see what we had to donate was a rather dangerous activity. It made us start to think about whether we have stuff for our very own tag sale. This in turn lead us to begin a rather massive Spring Cleaning Frenzy which has resulted in one bay of our garage being full of tag sale-able items. I will be bringing some stuff to donate to the school tag sale but the remainder will wait until next weekend when we will have our own sale. The girls have even been bitten by the tag sale bug (they are anxious to get some cash to buy NEW toys...) and have willingly brought out some toys for sale. They are even will to part with some of the larger outdoor toys that are just sitting out back collecting wasp nests and dirt. In fact, over the weekend, they got out the garden hose and scrub brushes and had fun getting a few items clean enough to sell!
CE Board
Things are at a standstill on the CE subcommittee to find our church a new Christian Ed. Director. I'm hoping that our job is complete and I'm anxious to see what the hiring decision will be (we have given our input to the Pastor who must complete the next step in the process). I still have those darn meeting minutes to type up. I hate having stuff like that looming over my head but I just have not had the time!
We had a nice visit with some of Rick's relations this weekend and the Saturday birthday BBQ was enjoyable and delicious. The next celebration coming up is Father's Day. Negotiations are in progress to figure out just when and how to celebrate with the dads in our family. Thankfully, it's usually a low-key affair.
PreK Graduation
A's graduation was short and sweet and I was the first-class idiot who forgot her camera that day. I did ask a few parents to take some photos of A for me and will hopefully get some copies emailed to me very soon - at which point I'll be sure to share them here. A's class sang three very sweet songs and each child received a small gift (a book) and a certificate that stated one reason they were so valued in class this year. A's certificate this year was for "development of her leadership skills" (last year she got a certificate for "being a friend to all"). After the certificates were handed out I said a few words and presented the teachers with the monetary gift from the families and another mom handed out beautiful baskets of flowers. Then we all enjoyed a potluck lunch together and headed home. A is signed up to continue at school for "camp" which is basically an extension of the school year (for an additional fee) to more closely match the public schools. So, she has not yet said her final good-byes to her teachers.
Head Cold or Tree Pollen?
Seems to have been a head cold that I suffered from recently because a few days after I came down with a sore throat and stuffy nose Rick became the next victim. I can't for the life of me figure out why I am so blessed with the spring sniffles every freakin' year but this year I am fairly certain that it was not an allergic reaction to tree pollen. It was just another stinkin' cold. Grumble, grumble.
They say that time flies when you are having fun. Well, I must be having a BLAST because I can not believe that it is nearly June already. In some ways I feel like we skipped May because it has been such a blur. This whole 'work' thing is putting a Fast Forward button on life. If anyone knows where the 1/2 speed button is, I'd love to hear from you. And if you can figure out who these "kids" are that are living in my house and what the heck they did with my 'babies' I'd be happy to know that tidbit as well.