12:15 PM - Got a late start to this month's pictures. I had gone to Trader Joe's for some groceries. I needed more of my favorite lavendar shampoo and conditioner.
12:16PM - Home with E who was talking about Santa and munching on an apple. She was a real trooper on our extended trip to a variety of stores over the course of the morning.
12:16PM - This is my latest obsession - the third book in the "Outlander" series by Diana Gabaldon. (Can you tell by the times on my photos that I was working hard to catch up after a late start?)
1:18PM - A view of our decorated Christmas Tree!
6:36PM - Bedtime stories. I was on my way out the door to run an errand and then go to a meeting so Rick was in charge of bedtime.
6:46PM - Quick stop at the craft store to get an item I needed to finish a Christmas gift that needs to get mailed out soon. Of course, as luck would have it they did not have the necessary item so I ended up having to go out today to a different store to find it!
7:16PM - The shopping trip took longer than expected (if you are a CMAD sufferer like me you know why a trip to Michael's is never as quick as it should be!). So, I arrived a bit late for the meeting at church.
9:08PM - Back from my meeting and in need...well want is probably a better term... of a little refreshment.
9:15PM - Checking on some blogs...including the one that had reminded me, earlier in the day, of the fact that it was a 12 of 12 day (Thanks, Tux!).
9:45PM - I finished the third book in the 'Outlander' series! On to the fourth (well, after I read the quick book I need to read for book club which meets this coming Monday). Yes, I'm obsessed. I've already admitted that, haven't I?
10:14 PM - Or as it reads on the wall oven clock - 22:14 - and time for me to go to bed.
10:23PM - Brushing my teeth in preparation for bed with some Christmas decorations for company.
BONUS picture with the theme "Believe"... I believe in Santa! Here's a cross-stitch piece that I did quite a few years ago that I hang up at Christmas time...it reads "Father Christmas bring your peace to every creature - man and beast."
Hope you enjoyed my December 12 of 12 - and again, be sure to check out Chad's blog for a list of other participants this month! It is fun to see slices of another person's day through this kind of picture blog!!